Chitwan Wonders: A Journey Through Nepal’s Wildlife Paradise:



  • Bird Observing and Elephant Watching
  • Jungle safari in the Chitwan National Park
  • Visit the Elephant Breeding Center.
  • Explore Tharu Town and appreciate the neighborhood delicacy named “Ghongi.”
  • Stay at the best lodgings in the town.
  • Take a rejuvenating walk around the jungle.
  • Enjoy the social program in the lodging you are remaining in.

Chitwan Visit package: 2 Evenings and 3 Days Wilderness Safari Tour

Chitwan National Stop is Nepal’s first national stop to be recorded as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The stop is domestic to boundless imperiled species of creatures and vegetation. Travelers will get special minutes to investigate the deciduous subtropical timberland as well as get a chance to familiarize themselves with the inborn Tharu community.

 We have designed the Chitwan tour package in such a way that travelers will get exercises like elephant rides and showers, Jeep safaris, feathered creature observing, crocodile breeding center visits, Tharu social programs, nightfall views from Narayani Waterway Bank, etc.

Get the Chitwan Visit package at the best rate with us.

 We have various visiting exercises in Chitwan clubbed together for the astonishing encounter of the flatland topographical belt of Nepal. Chitwan is the third most popular tourist destination in Nepal after Kathmandu and Pokhara. Subsequently, there are a plethora of things to do in Chitwan

. You will ponder how climate, geology, and woodland structure alter in almost half an hour of flight or 4 hours of driving. Riding an elephant and looking at the creatures like tiger, deer, one-horned rhino, wild buffaloes, etc. and taking an interest in the showering minute of immense warm blooded animals, the elephant worth each penny went through for the visit in Chitwan.

For 2 days and 3 nights, our  Travelers will investigate the profound interior of the wilderness and watch assortments of vegetation as well. Natural life, creepy crawlies, and winged creatures are found in the interior of the haven

. Crocodile breeding centers and elephant breeding centers are two preservation regions where you can watch how these species of creatures are preserved. Getting loose on the bank of the Narayani Waterway and watching the nightfall is another inclusion of the Chitwan Visit package. The social program displaying the conventions, customs, and hones of the Tharu community as well will be exceptionally momentous.

Choose the Chitwan Visit package for your occasion in Nepal.

 You will feel as if you are in a totally diverse part of the soil. Inborn community culture, timberlands, natural life, vegetation, and a peaceful environment would certainly be your most rich occasion ever. Rush up and sign up with us as early as possible to get the best rates for the Chitwan Visit Package.

Chitwan Visit in Harvest Time Season (Sept-Nov)

The autumn season amid Chitwan Visit is an enchanted time of year when nature changes into a breathtaking embroidered artwork of colors and magnificence. As the summer storm closes, the lavish scenes of Chitwan National Park come alive with dynamic colors of gold, ruddy, and orange.

The climate is wonderfully mellow, with clear skies and comfortable temperatures, making it ideal for open-air exercises like wilderness safaris, winged creature observing, and canoe rides along the peaceful Rapti Waterway. Guests can submerge themselves in the wealthy Tharu culture and conventions amid this season as celebrations and celebrations take place, adding an additional layer of genuineness to their Chitwan encounter

. Whether it’s the staggering scenes, unimaginable biodiversity, or the warm neighborliness of the local people, harvest time in Chitwan offers a really extraordinary travel experience.

Chitwan Visit in the Winter Season (Dec-February)

Chitwan Visit amid winter offers a one-of-a kind and charming involvement for travelers. During this season, the locale experiences a recognizable change as the temperatures drop, and a cool, fresh breeze fills the climate. The rich greenery of Chitwan National Park gives way to a more repressed, gritty scene.

 Guests can anticipate wonderfully cool days and chilly evenings, making it the perfect time for open-air investigation without the distress of extraordinary warmth. Whereas it can get very chilly in the nights, winter in Chitwan remains a delightful season for travelers who lean toward a cooler climate and the chance to witness the area’s momentous biodiversity in an interesting setting.

Chitwan Visit in the Spring Season (Walk-May)

Spring in Chitwan is a marvelous time for travelers to investigate this charming locale. During this season, nature stirs from its winter sleep, and the whole scene comes alive with dynamic colors and copious life. One of the primary attractions of spring in Chitwan is the rich greenery that covers Chitwan National Park

The woodlands and prairies are in full bloom, making it the perfect time for wilderness safaris and nature strolls. Spring in Chitwan is a time of celebration for the nearby Tharu communities. Conventional celebrations, moves, and music exhibitions provide immersive involvement in their wealthy legacy.

 With comfortable temperatures and nature at its most dynamic, spring in Chitwan is a delightful season for investigating the park’s normal excellence and social conventions. It’s a time when Chitwan really comes alive, making it a culminating period for a vital and enhanced tour.

Chitwan Visit in Rainstorm Season (Jun-AAug)

The monsoon season in Chitwan brings a special feeling, in spite of the challenging encounters for travelers. During this time, the locale experiences a sensational change as the overwhelming rainstorm downpours douse the scene, turning it into a lavish and verdant haven. 

The storm season brings overwhelming and frequent downpours, which can result in sloppy trails, overwhelmed ranges, and troublesome travel conditions. Open air exercises like wilderness safaris can be hampered by the climate. Chitwan encounters tall stickiness amid the rainstorm, making it awkward for a few travelers. Be that as it may, the storm downpours revive the whole locale, bringing about rich, green vegetation and dynamic scenes.

 Chitwan National Park is at its most excellent during this time, making it a heaven for nature lovers, others, and picture takers. Also, rainstorm season is considered the off-peak period, so you’ll experience fewer visitors, which implies more protection and tranquility when investigating the park.

Why Welcome Nepal Treks for Kathmandu Chitwan Tour

Welcome Nepal Treks is a well-organized and proficient visitor office in Nepal. We organize the Kathmandu Chitwan visit at an exceptionally sensible cost. Our thought process is to make clients cheerful, fulfilled, and comfortable. We give high-quality administrations. 

We give comfortable means of transportation, proficient guides, best course inns and incredible administrations. We will go beyond any doubt to make your trip agreeable, comfortable, and paramount. From inviting you into the air terminal to dropping you off at the air terminal for takeoff, we will do our best to give you the best visit experience.

Important Notes Amid the Chitwan Visit Package

While booking, we require a photocopy of your visa, and you have to pay us at least a 10% installment of the amount fetched in advance.
Check if any neighborhood celebrations or occasions are happening during your visit. Taking part in these can be an interesting social encounter but may influence settlement availability.

Always look for consent when taking photos of individuals, particularly in country zones. A few local people may not be comfortable with photography, so it’s fundamental to respect their privacy.

Beverages and snacks are not included in our packages, so you have to pay extra cash.
Carry a reusable water bottle and utilize water decontamination tablets like iodine and Aquatabs tablets.

Pack your dress according to the regular schedule.

Carry sufficient Nepalese rupees for your trip, as not all places may accept credit cards.
If you experience natural life, keep a secure separate and take care of the information in your direct. Do not approach creatures, particularly expansive or possibly perilous species.

Consider obtaining comprehensive travel protections to cover any unanticipated emergencies.

We recommend you not book your worldwide flights early, as there may be a sudden change in climate that will make your flights delay or indeed cancel.
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